Willingness - Ignace Community Nuclear Liaison Committee
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Site is Currently being updated, stay tuned
"Our mandate is to facilitate community and regional engagement, and assist with activities and events related to preparing the community for the possibility of hosting the Deep Geological Repository for Canada's used nuclear fuel."
For more information on how to access the Community Studies Presentations & Webinars, click here.

Join our monthly meetings!
Scan the QR code with the camera on your phone!
Webinar ID: 886 8753 7014
Passcode: 562560
Willingness Yard Signs

Do you want to be involved and show your willingness to learn? Visit us at the ICNLC office to get a free yard sign. For more information, please email cds@ignace.ca or call 1 (807) 747-0318
Adaptive Phased Management (APM) - this means that the project is designed to occur in phases over many decades. It also means that as science develops, the plans for the project adapt or change to fit the science. Plans for the project may also change based on Community questions/concerns that are raised as new developments are made. Every year, the NWMO releases an updated plan.
For more information: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HJQu_QLZ8Rs&feature=emb_logo
baseline studies - are studies that are conducted in order to understand the current situation or starting point of a project or program. It looks at what information must be considered or analyzed to establish a starting point and what need to be done for future progress.
bentonite clay - is a type of absorbent clay formed by volcanic ash that can be used as a sealing agent. This clay is a natural, preservation barrier that will be used in the multiple barrier system within the Deep Geological Repository.
Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission (CNSC) - is a governing, regulatory body which is a separate entity from Nuclear Waste Management Organization (NWMO). NWMO is responsible for following regulations and subject to assessments set out by the CNSC in all aspects of planning their DGR project.
Deep Geological Repository (DGR) - is Canada's plan for storing used nuclear fuel. Using the natural geography and geology of the area, combined with the multiple barrier system, Canada's plan is to store used nuclear fuel in a protected, underground storage facility.
For more information: https://nuclearsafety.gc.ca/eng/resources/fact-sheets/regulating-canadas-geological-repositories-fact-sheet.cfm
Draft Plan Process - The Ignace Community Nuclear Liaison Committee provided its thoughts and input to create a plan that would assess our community's willingness.
Engagement activities - Events that are open to the public to obtain community members' input on the Willingness Decision Project.
Ignace Community - The community is defined by the municipal boundaries of the Township of Ignace.
Ignace Community Nuclear Liaison Committee (ICNLC) - The Ignace Community Nuclear Liaison Committee (ICNLC) is a Committee of Council established by Ignace Municipal Council in November 2011. Their objective is to help the people of Ignace learn about Canada's plan for used nuclear fuel and involve Ignace residents in these learning opportunities.
Impact Assessment - The Impact Assessment Agency is a federal body that is accountable to the Minister of Environment and Climate Change. Once a site is selected, the plan will be subject to an Impact Assessment before it can move forward. For more information on the process of the Impact Assessment, click here: https://www.canada.ca/en/impact-assessment-agency/services/policy-guidance/impact-assessment-process-overview.html
Learn More Process - an NWMO sponsored, multi-year opportunity for communities in the siting process to learn about the APM Project.
mitigation - the action of reducing the seriousness, severity, or risks of something.
multiple barrier system - this is NWMO's proposed plan for the DGR. It is composed of five barriers to reduce the risk of radiation and the potential for damage done to the used nuclear fuel. Take a look at this document for a detailed diagram and description of the barriers: https://www.nwmo.ca/~/media/Site/Files/PDFs/2015/11/16/20/36/Secure_Accessible_MultipleBarrier_Backgrounder_EN.ashx?la=en
referendum - a general vote on a single question which has been referred to the public for a direct decision.
respondents - individuals who completed a survey or interview with the researcher, or who provided data to be analyzed for the research study.
support materials - includes documentation provided to solicit learning and input from the community (e.g. background information and comment form).
WLON - Wabigoon Lake Ojibway Nation
Willingness Decision Project - the goal of this project is to research and outline a possible process for deciding whether or not Township of Ignace residents support the APM Project implemented in the area.